Cabañas Project at Xcalak

Why invest in Xcalak? (areal view)

Xcalak part of what is known as "La Costa Maya", a rustic but beautiful part of the Mexican Caribbean. Xcalak is the most southern town in the state of Quintana Roo, very close by water from Belize. Xcalak has the look and feel of Mexico and Belize mixed together; where English is spoken fluently by many, but Spanish is still the predominant language. This is a great place for those who are seeking the remote, less refined areas of the Caribbean Coast, with all its natural beauty above and below the waterline.

Xcalak is one of the top saltwater fly fishing and bonefishing areas in the world, and a less traveled but much revered scuba diving destination as well. Scuba divers and snorkelers can enjoy diving on part of the world's second longest barrier reef, and when conditions are good, even take a boat ride to the Chinchorro Bank (a large coral atoll that lies offshore with a virtual graveyard of shipwrecks that have sunk over the centuries). The mangrove waterways of Bacalar Chico, just south of Xcalak between Mexico and Belize, are home to many varieties of birds and fish. Bird Island is a popular destination for bird watchers visiting this area, and anglers will seldom see any competion from others for coveted fish like permit, tarpon and bonefish.


You will find it hard to find phones, souvenir shops or dancing in this location. There is however an airport with a runway long enough for lear jets and small planes. Driving is the preferered method of transportation but fill up first before the long haul down here! Gas is available on a good day but there are no gas stations.
There aren't that many tourists around so do not surprise if people here are laid back, friendly and happy to see new faces. There actually exist some places that are known to provide comfortable lodging and offer adventures to the area's points of interest. Xcalak is a marvelous natural area, and to really enjoy it you have to get out on the Caribbean and do something. If you're not a fisherman, snorkeler or scuba diver, you might want to try a little kayaking. 

A bridge construction crossing the Lagoon project -which would greatly impact tourism towards that area- already exists in Chetumal, as Xcalak is today reachable only by car going around the lagoon up north towards Mahaual  (Carretera Federal Cancun-Chetumal), or by crossing the lagoon by boat. This gives to the project a great possibility of development in the near future.

Xcalak and the Project of the Cabañas 

The project's objective is to construct a Cabaña Beach Resort in Xcalak and start it up as a Hospitality business in 116 Hectareas with 450 linear meters of beachfront and white sandy beach.

The project will follow all ecological rules established in the area, using local construction materials. 

The operation is made in two phases:

The first phase is to find Funds to title the land.

Second phase is to construct the cabañas.

The juridical certainty to the investor: 

The operation is juridically backed up by experts in the field, and the Funds will be held in a Fideicomiso until property title documentation will be produced.

The investor will be able to choose the Trustee Company to deposit the requested amount (Stewart Title Escrew accounts or any Mexican Banks).

The documents The "Fideicomiso" will need to release the deposited amount are Land Title, Title certification by Authorities,  inscription on the Public Record of Ownership and Land Register in Cadastre.

Investor will become partner of 50% of the Land with Selem & Co - expert Company in Hospitality-. Nevertheless Investor will be able to option to run alone.

The first phase of the Project to title land will take about 4 months . In this lapse of time, interest which may generate by Fideicomiso, will be returned to the investor.

Total amount required to do the operation is minimum 500,000 usd$.

Dr. Cristian Mendoza Ibarra, Alejandrina Selem and Roberto Pino 

tel +52-984-802-8645
skype: Picalu Villas & management


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